Two chats that secured Stoke City’s second transfer of the summer

17/06/2024 Raymond 0

Ben Gibson revealed that he had candid conversations with his friend Jon Walters while deciding if Stoke City was the right club for him. The centre-back, leaving Norwich City after four years and a successful season finishing in the Championship play-off places, had several offers but wanted a clear picture of what was happening inside Stoke before committing.

Gibson emphasized the importance of the club’s direction over its facilities and history. “I’ve spoken about the magnitude of the club, the unbelievable owners, the facilities, the stadium, but what really matters to me is where are we heading?” he said. He made it clear that if Stoke’s aim was only to replicate last season or settle as a mid-table Championship team, he wouldn’t have signed. Gibson also spoke with head coach Steven Schumacher to ensure everyone at Stoke shared the same vision, noting that aligning with the manager’s style of play was crucial.

Stoke City role could be perfect for Wolves midfielder if Steven Schumacher can cut a deal

27/04/2024 Raymond 0

The commentary emphasizes Stoke City’s meticulous preparation and cohesion, which translated into a dominant performance against Plymouth. Stoke’s focus on regaining possession early and maintaining pressure throughout the game was evident from the start. Led by forward players, Stoke effectively disrupted Plymouth’s buildup play and controlled the game with a balanced team structure. Luke Cundle’s performance in an advanced position highlighted Stoke’s tactical flexibility and player suitability. The comprehensive victory showcased Stoke’s ability to execute their game plan effectively, emphasizing the importance of consistency in their performance. Looking ahead, the commentary anticipates a similar approach against Southampton, underlining the importance of unity and adherence to the team’s strategy.