Stoke City starting XI for next season as Steven Schumacher gets early business done

Stoke City has bid farewell to five key players from their starting lineup, which secured three consecutive wins to close out the season. Determined to fill these gaps promptly, the club has already made several strategic moves. Goalkeeper Daniel Iversen, right-back Ki-Jana Hoever, center-half Luke McNally, and attacking midfielder Luke Cundle have all returned to their parent clubs after their loan spells ended, while striker Tyrese Campbell is departing as his contract concludes.

Junior Tchamadeu is poised to replace Hoever, with Lynden Gooch providing competition in his first full season at Clayton Wood. Additionally, the midfield dynamics could shift significantly with the potential promotion of 17-year-old Sol Sidibe, who has recently been called up to England’s under-18 team. Sidibe is expected to be a major part of the first team squad during pre-season, potentially sharing minutes with midfielders Jordan Thompson, Wouter Burger, Josh Laurent, Ben Pearson, and Lewis Baker. In goal, Viktor Johansson has been brought in from Rotherham United, following the activation of a relegation release clause.

In defense, Ben Gibson joins the central defensive ranks alongside Michael Rose and Ben Wilmot, whose pace complements Gibson’s experience. The team might consider adding another defender to complete the lineup, though promising under-21 players like Freddie Anderson and Jaden Dixon could be developed as alternatives rather than opting for an experienced player like Ciaran Clark.

Left-back Enda Stevens has extended his contract, but given his injury history, there is speculation that Steven Schumacher and Jon Walters might seek additional cover in that position despite Stevens’ confidence in his fitness. With the long and grueling Championship season ahead, a reliable backup would be prudent.

The center-forward position remains a top priority for Stoke in the coming months. The recruitment team is actively exploring options to fill this critical role. Ryan Mmaee and Niall Ennis are eager to prove themselves, while youngsters Emre Tezgel and Nathan Lowe aim to catch the coach’s attention.

Million Manhoef and Bae Junho ended last season as the preferred choices for the wide roles. It remains to be seen whether Mehdi Leris and Andre Vidigal will be content with secondary roles or if Schumacher will seek a different type of winger to enhance the squad’s versatility.

With the transfer window still open, Stoke City expects further player movements, both in and out. This proactive approach marks a significant shift from the previous year, when pre-season began with a much less settled squad.

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