Joe  Brolly  Takes   Conor  McGregor  To  Task  During  Dublin  Charity  Event

Amidst the mayhem and terror of the recent Dublin riots, Conor McGregor’s actions remained sadly prominent on Irish social media.

The Irish mixed martial arts athlete has been more vocal in recent times, so it seemed only natural that he would voice his opinion when disorderly conduct took over the nation’s capital last Thursday.

Following the horrifying stabbing of school children and their caregiver on Parnell Square in the city center early on Thursday afternoon, rioting broke out in Dublin.

McGregor had tweeted “Ireland, we are at war” the day before.

His prominence on social media only increased following the Dublin stabbings, and he was widely chastised for his views, having made provocative remarks during the riots.

Following his remarks on Saturday night, McGregor did not attend Katie Taylor’s triumphant homecoming.

A Garda investigation is already underway to ascertain whether or not his remarks incited violence.

Joe Brolly joined the chorus denouncing McGregor with his voice. The Derryman gave a spot-on tirade against the fighter at the Gig for Gaza on Tuesday at the 3Arena.

The All-Ireland champion from 1993 took offense at McGregor’s anti-immigrant comments and his demands to seal the Irish border. He pointed out that the attacker had been halted in his tracks by a man who was indeed an immigrant.

“And Conor McGregor,” Brolly remarked, to which the audience responded with a chorus of jeers.

“I promised my wife I wouldn’t call him a c*nt! (laughs)”

The dream of hatred was exemplified when Conor McGregor tweeted that any building designated for immigrants or refugees should be “evaporated” by his supporters and then declared, “Ireland, we are at war.”

“With  whom  are we at war? With  Brazilian  drivers  for  Deliveroo who,  outside  of  nurseries,  preserve  the  lives  of  children? With  Filipino  student  nurses  who  urgently  attempted  to save  the life  of a little  infant  for ten  minutes? At  war with  black folks,  transgender  people, bus  drivers, librarians? with our homosexual  neighbors  and  friends? With  whom  are  we  at  war? “A torrent  of hate  was  unleashed  when  I  openly  interacted  with  McGregor  and reported  to the guards  what I  perceived  to be criminal  offense s, significant  criminal  offenses.

“As me  mother  said,  ‘Get  in  the  queue’.” In  the  midst  of  the  ongoing  Hamas-Israel crisis,  the Gig for  Gaza  managed  to  raise  almost  €200,000 for  medical  aid for  Palestine.