Frank Warren discusses Deontay Wilder’s defeat by Joseph Parker and the fighting culture in Saudi Arabia, saying, “He looked like a shot fighter.”

Regarding the Saudi cards not having much enthusiasm in the audience, Frank Warren disagrees.

Frank Warren, the promoter for Queensbury, spoke with talkSPORT Boxing about one of his recent events, which included a major heavyweight card that took place in Saudi Arabia. Despite the quality of the matchups, Warren was eventually questioned about the lack of energy during these Saudi cards and whether anything could be done to improve it.

Saudi Arabia’s Day of Reckoning card featuring Warren

“I believed that Deontay appeared that way and had only played in one round during the previous two years. Frankly, he appeared to be a veteran fighter, and Joseph Parker was a master boxer. He and Andy Lee had the appropriate strategy. To be honest, I didn’t think he boxed particularly well, and Deontay wasn’t present at the races.

“I felt that AJ performed really well. However, I was a little let down by Wallin because I had anticipated a little bit more from him. Having said that, you have to give Joshua credit for his performance because he refrained from letting him enter the fight.

Regarding the environment—or lack thereof—during these Saudi cards

“I’ll tell you why I disagree with that (about the absence of atmosphere). It’s the same as when there are two foreign fighters competing on the bill in the UK and the crowd is captivated by the bout because their country cannot support either fighter. That does occur occasionally.

“We’re having a very ridiculous conversation right now. You like to listen to the fans, I like boxing, and there were some terrific fights. I must admit that I have more productive things to accomplish with my time than argue over pointless stuff.

On Wilder fighting as if he was there just to collect his pay

Naturally, he showed up in exchange for the cash. They are all professional boxers, and that is what they are paid to do. But ultimately, I felt that he had the appearance of a shot fighter. That was his appearance. And he arrived for a variety of covert reasons, from what I’ve heard. However, as they say, the evidence must speak for itself, and he cannot provide another performance of that caliber as it will undoubtedly be his last.

“I believe he will have a difficult time getting back into it if he so chooses, but you can’t take away from what he (Parker) accomplished. Joe was an excellent boxer. The overhand rights he was throwing were absolutely accurate. You should be proud of him for taking such action.

With Wilder and Joshua’s fight now being cancelled

Indeed. There needs to be some kind of remarkable performance from Wilder in order to revive that.