Cheeky Shaqiri question posed to ex-Stoke City boss amid ‘major bad guys’ remark

Former Stoke City striker Jon Parkin put Paul Lambert on the spot as he reflected on his tenure at the bet365 Stadium.

Jon Parkin threw a cheeky question at Paul Lambert as the former Stoke City boss reminisced about his time at the club.

Parkin, who played a key role in Stoke City’s promotion to the Premier League in 2008, hosted Lambert on the Under the Cosh podcast. He was particularly curious about one of Lambert’s players from 2018 at the bet365 Stadium.

When the topic turned to Xherdan Shaqiri’s skills and game-changing potential, Parkin bluntly asked, “Is he fat?” Lambert laughed and responded, “Talented boy, a really talented boy. He could open doors with his play. He’s not fat, just smallish. A good footballer. Getting players on the ball who can make things happen is crucial. It’s not just Shaqiri, but those who can unlock defenses are vital. I always valued players in the final third who could take risks and create opportunities.”

Lambert, who replaced Mark Hughes in January 2018, expressed his fondness for Stoke City, despite the season ending in relegation. He wished he could have continued as manager in the Championship but was replaced by Gary Rowett.

“I loved it, loved the club, loved my time there. We only had 15 games to try to turn it around, but we gave it a go. The club was great, and I enjoyed my time there. It’s unfortunate we left, and Stoke brought someone else in, but I had no hard feelings. It’s a brilliant club with really nice people. The fans were great, even when I returned with Ipswich. They treated me well.

“There were one or two players who needed to go at the end of the season, as you’d find at any club. But overall, I enjoyed my time at Stoke because it’s a good club.”

He added, “The top guys like Peter Crouch and Ryan Shawcross were brilliant. I never had any issues with them. There were a few different personalities, but nothing major. They weren’t major bad guys.”