Athletic and Wigan Warriors to build Orrell Ground

The redevelopment of Edge Hall Road Stadium in Orrell into a training facility for women’s football and rugby league has been confirmed by Wigan Warriors and Wigan Athletic. The location, which was once Orrell RUFC’s home, hasn’t been used since Wigan Warriors relocated their training facilities to Robin Park Arena in 2019. There will be a “full refurbishment of the clubhouse and surrounding facilities” at the location of Wigan Athletic Women’s home games. The clubs claimed in a joint statement that the location will help the new Wigan Athletic women’s squad develop. “This once again emphasises the importance we have put on both women’s football and sport in general here at Wigan Athletic and across the wider borough,” WiganWarriors and Wigan Athletic h,” Wign Athletic sporting director Gregor Rioch said

Kris Radlinski, the chief executive of the Wigan Warriors, continued: “This is yet another major advancement for women’s sports in our community. Although the football team is relatively new to the women’s football scene, our rugby team has been committed to the growth of women’s rugby for a number of years. “We’ve made significant investments in a women’s performance program, which includes [head coach] Denis Betts’ leadership in coaching and medical facilities. “The program will reach even greater heights with the establishment of their dedicated facility.”