AS EXPECTED: UScellular and Alanis Morissette Highlight Ironies of Modern-Day Phone Usage

Singer drops remake of ‘Ironic’ music video for campaign from The Martin Agency
UScellular is furthering its commitment to helping people build healthier relationships with technology by partnering with Grammy-winning artist and wholeness advocate Alanis Morissette.

The new partnership campaign from The Martin Agency aims to highlight the ironies of modern-day phone usage in a thought-provoking and entertaining way to promote positive digital health.

UScellular knows that being constantly connected to phones but not connecting in real life is more than just ironic, it’s a real problem.

Referencing her song, ‘Ironic’, UScellular and Alanis Morissette are helping redefine irony through the context of phone use in a true homage to her original single.

Each scene in the new video release is peppered with both subtle and easy to spot easter eggs inspired by her original music video and lyrics.

“Defining healthy habits around digital use is so personal and nuanced. There is a fine line between how digital use can help us connect in some moments and disconnect us in others.

Together with UScellular, I’m helping support their focus on the importance of healthy digital habits, finding the balance and rediscovering genuine human connection. xoxo” said Alanis Morissette, Grammy-winning artist and wholeness advocate.

“We’re on our phones all the time and that won’t change anytime soon. What UScellular wants, if for people to be cognizant of putting their phones away from time to time.

And who better to embody the ironies of phone use than the queen of Irony herself., Alanis Morissette. Plus it’s nice that, for so many, she comes with a sense of nostalgia for a simpler phone-free time. She also happens to actually believe in our mission.” said Allison Rude, group creative director, The Martin Agency.

“It was important to us (and also Alanis) that we weren’t just telling people what to do with their phones. We’re all human and none of us are immune to these ironies. It’s very much an ‘us’ problem. So we tried to make sure that all the examples were relatable. While also being obviously ironic, of course. said Allison.

To get fans involved, UScellular and Alanis Morissette are encouraging people to take a break and put their phone in US Mode so they can reconnect with each other distraction free.

“We’re excited to partner with Alanis Morissette, who not only knows the importance of healthier digital habits but also a thing or two about irony as we continue working to combat over-connection.” said Eric Jagher, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at UScellular.

“While our mission is to connect people to what matters most, we’ve seen the consequences of being constantly connected to our phones and are committed to providing solutions that encourage genuine connection over distraction. The only thing more ironic than smartphones making people feel disconnected, is a wireless company telling people to put their phones down.”

“Once the team started talking about the ironic ways we all use our phones it was a pretty instantaneous connection to the song and to Alanis Morisette.

It was only once we started digging into her and what she’s been up to lately that we realized how naturally our idea matched with who she is as a person.” said Elliot Nordstrom, creative director, The Martin Agency.

“The campaign was a personal one for Alanis. She’s been approached constantly throughout the years with ideas playing on “Ironic.” But this was the first time she said yes.

And it’s because she truly believes in the mission. The spot even features Alanis’s real family – her husband Souleye and two of her children, Onyx and Winter.” said Elliot.

With UScellular finding that nearly a third of people are wanting to take an intentional break from their phone. US Mode helps users better utilize customizable native focus settings on their smartphones.

US Mode allows users to set time limits on social media apps, disable non-human push notifications, eliminate red notification bubbles for apps and enable pre-set quiet times.